Title: A novel practical algorithm for strong and weak synonyms extraction with simple equality operation of web operational machine translation systems results
Authors: Mawloud Mosbah
Addresses: LRES Laboratory, Informatics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University 20 Août 1955, Skikda, Algeria
Abstract: In this paper, we address synonyms extraction through a simple algorithm based on equality operation of translated segments generated by four free of charge web machine translation systems namely: Google Translate, Promt, Babylon and Bing. The synonyms are classified into two kinds: strong synonyms with different vocabularies, and weak synonyms with the same vocabularies and different part of speech nature. The obtained results, using a dataset of ten theses abstracts, published into the web, seem to be very promising. Moreover, according to this study, it is advised that weak synonyms should receive more attention especially into synonyms substitution for machine translation evaluation.
Keywords: synonyms extraction; weak synonyms; strong synonyms; machine translation evaluation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJKEDM.2022.126072
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining, 2022 Vol.7 No.3/4, pp.271 - 285
Received: 14 Mar 2022
Accepted: 17 Jul 2022
Published online: 10 Oct 2022 *