Title: A serious game for the responsible use of fossil fuel-powered vehicles
Authors: Francisco Javier Moreno Arboleda; Javier Esteban Parra Romero; Agnieszka Szczęsna
Addresses: Departamento De Ciencias De La Computación, Facultad De Minas, Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Sede Medellín, Colombia ' Departamento De Ciencias De La Computación, Facultad De Minas, Universidad Nacional De Colombia, Sede Medellín, Colombia ' Department of Computer Graphics, Vision and Digital Systems, Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Silesia, Poland
Abstract: Serious gaming has gained increasing prominence in climate change communication, and provides an opportunity to engage people in topics related to environmental protection. This paper presents the design and evaluation of a serious game that concerns pollution generated by fossil fuel-powered vehicles. Serious games might be an effective and motivational tool in that field. The game's intention is to motivate the participants to change towards sustainable lifestyles. To achieve this goal, an enhanced game design methodology was proposed and a serious mini-game prototype was developed.
Keywords: serious gaming; game design; sustainable transport; vehicular pollution.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2022.126089
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2022 Vol.69 No.1, pp.62 - 72
Received: 16 Feb 2021
Accepted: 02 Jul 2021
Published online: 11 Oct 2022 *