Title: Fluent in change: enabling strategic change in an established firm
Authors: Ei Shu
Addresses: ESLSCA Business School Paris, 1, rue Bougainville 75507 Paris, France
Abstract: While extant research has highlighted the role of leadership in strategic change, there continues to be a scarcity of empirical research on how and in what way top management can influence a firm's strategic transformation. Based on a case study of Haier Group Company, a global leader in the home appliances industry, this study examines how top managers can deliberately influence a firm's strategic change process by designing and implementing a specific enabling mechanism that supports change. The findings reveal that top managers align the management process to transformation through a process model by articulating, embedding and reinforcing the changes.
Keywords: strategic change; top management; enabling mechanism; micro-foundations of strategy.
European Journal of International Management, 2022 Vol.18 No.4, pp.603 - 616
Received: 24 Jul 2018
Accepted: 30 Dec 2018
Published online: 14 Oct 2022 *