Title: Pole-zero analysis of a model-free and a model-based tuning strategy for Maglev system
Authors: Shradha Kishore
Addresses: Patna Extension Centre BIT Mesra, Ranchi, India
Abstract: This paper presents a different insight into stability analysis not only on the basis of steady state behaviour of the output response, but also the transient state behaviour caused due to the re-distribution of the poles and zeroes of the system and the controller in the closed loop configuration by the chosen tuning technique. This work establishes a correlation between theoretical analysis and experimental response by pole-zero analysis and the impact of tuning techniques of a PID controller on Maglev system, thus helping in better understanding of the designing and fabrication of the controller. The effectiveness of two popular industrial tuning techniques, one model-free and one model-based tuning strategy, has been analysed on the basis shifting of the root locus due to the placement of the closed-loop poles and zeroes, and the proximity of actual and desired dominant poles for this highly sensitive system.
Keywords: pole-zero; PID controller; Maglev; model-free; model-based; root locus.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSCC.2022.126388
International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications, 2022 Vol.13 No.4, pp.340 - 364
Received: 02 Dec 2021
Accepted: 22 Apr 2022
Published online: 24 Oct 2022 *