Title: Improving the quality of corporate information systems development based on a risk-based approach
Authors: Anatoly Pavlovich Yastrebov
Addresses: Department of Information Technology Entrepreneurship, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 67, Bolshaya Morskaya str., Saint Petersburg, 190000, Russia
Abstract: In relation to improving the quality of corporate information systems development, we consider risk management methods based on testing software systems, using automatic production controls, and ensuring the production accuracy of product manufacturing. Development models and the set of inherent risks are presented. A comprehensive risk assessment indicator is proposed that takes into account the probability and consequences of their occurrence. It is shown that to assess the degree of destabilisation of production, it is advisable to use a point scale of risks.
Keywords: risk-oriented approach; quality; corporate information systems; development models; testing; software systems; production control; manufacturing accuracy; comprehensive indicator; risk assessment; risk scale.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRAM.2021.126415
International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 2021 Vol.24 No.2/3/4, pp.117 - 125
Received: 24 Jul 2020
Accepted: 08 Jan 2021
Published online: 26 Oct 2022 *