Title: Development and analysis of a customer-demand-driven semiconductor supply chain model using the High Level Architecture
Authors: Chin Soon Chong, Peter Lendermann, Boon Ping Gan, Brett M. Duarte, John W. Fowler, Thomas E. Callarman
Addresses: POM Group, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, 638075 Singapore. ' POM Group, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, 638075 Singapore. ' POM Group, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, 71 Nanyang Drive, 638075 Singapore. ' Department of Industrial Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems, P.O. Box 875906, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-5906, USA. ' Department of Industrial Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems, P.O. Box 875906, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-5906, USA. ' Department of Industrial Engineering, Institute for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems, P.O. Box 875906, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-5906, USA
Abstract: Effective supply chain management (SCM) enables organisations to be more competitive in the current world of global manufacturing. Simulation can help by evaluating the feasibility of alternative policies and arrangements for managing a supply chain. However, detailed simulation of the supply chain can be complex and computationally intensive. We develop a distributed simulation model that can be used to study such a supply chain. We fine tune the execution speed of the model, and then use the model to investigate on how the frequency of inventory updates and demand changes affect the on-time-delivery (OTD) performance of the entire supply chain.
Keywords: distributed simulation; supply chain simulation; semiconductor manufacturing; high level architecture; HLA; supply chain management; SCM; inventory updates; demand changes; supply chain performance.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSPM.2006.012648
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2006 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.210 - 221
Published online: 05 Mar 2007 *
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