Title: Open innovation and new product development in food manufacturing SMEs: the role of trust
Authors: Kewalee Silapacharanan; Pittawat Ueasangkomsate; Haruthai Numprasertchai
Addresses: Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Ngam Wong Wan Road, Lat Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand ' Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Ngam Wong Wan Road, Lat Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand ' Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Kasetsart University, Ngam Wong Wan Road, Lat Yao, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract: The rapid changing of the business environment and technology has led many SMEs to engage in new product development (NPD) so as to deliver competitiveness in the market. This study is aimed at explaining the relationship between open innovation (OI), trust, and NPD performance in SMEs. Data is collected through a survey from 123 Thai SMEs in food manufacturing involved in launching new product during 2017 to 2019. The data was analysed by descriptive statistics and PLS-SEM. The results show that outbound OI practice has a direct effect on enhancing NPD performance, whereas inbound and coupled OI implementation need trust as a mediator, thus having an indirect effect on such performance. The findings reveal that SMEs in food manufacturing need to recognise the importance of open innovation along with the building of trust, if they are to achieve higher NPD performance.
Keywords: open innovation; trust; new product development; NPD; SME; food; manufacturing.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2022 Vol.32 No.4, pp.414 - 434
Received: 25 Jun 2021
Accepted: 06 Nov 2021
Published online: 31 Oct 2022 *