Title: A survey on trends on mobile app development and applications

Authors: Mazen Lahham; Hussein Hazimeh; Mohammad Malli

Addresses: Arab Open University, Beirut, Lebanon ' Faculty of Science, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon ' Arab Open University, Beirut, Lebanon

Abstract: The widespread use of smart-phones and the increasing demand for mobile users to have similar desktop functionality and performance have resulted in better and faster mobile innovation technology. We present, in this survey, an overview of the body of the literature that deals with the latest emerging mobile technologies and examines its impact on the current mobile app ecosystem. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that combines the most significant mobile advancements while showing the futuristic potentials and challenges faced by the mobile app industry. Therefore, the paper defines the criteria for selecting these latest mobile developments since it cannot incorporate all of them due to the magnitude of the subject.

Keywords: mobile app development; smartphone applications; mobile technologies.

DOI: 10.1504/IJWMC.2022.127604

International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2022 Vol.23 No.3/4, pp.350 - 360

Accepted: 06 Aug 2022
Published online: 12 Dec 2022 *

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