Title: The impact of working from home on job satisfaction and work effectiveness in times of the corona pandemic
Authors: Miria Kramer; Tanja Engelmann
Addresses: Department Psychology and Management, ISM – International School of Management, GmbH – Nonprofit Organization, Maybachstraße 20, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany ' Department Psychology and Management, ISM – International School of Management, GmbH – Nonprofit Organization, Maybachstraße 20, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract: During the corona pandemic, the daily work of many employees had to be transferred to the working from home environment. This paper is dedicated to the research questions what effects working from home have on job satisfaction and work effectiveness in times of the corona crisis and which job characteristics foster job satisfaction and work effectiveness while working from home. To answer these questions, a quantitative study was conducted with 313 participants. The study is based on the job characteristics model. According to the results, working from home has positive effects on job satisfaction and also increases work effectiveness. Relevant for these positive work effects are various job characteristics that are in line with the job characteristics model. However, in this study, further relevant job aspects are found that so far, are not considered in this model.
Keywords: work effectiveness; job performance; job satisfaction; working from home; corona pandemic; empirical study; job characteristics model; JCM; job characteristics.
International Journal of Work Innovation, 2022 Vol.3 No.3, pp.225 - 249
Received: 10 Jun 2022
Accepted: 18 Jul 2022
Published online: 13 Dec 2022 *