Title: The country-of-origin effect in the services marketing field: a systematic review and directions for future research
Authors: Itır Ceren Morcote Santos
Addresses: Department of Transportation Services, Dokuz Eylul University, Efes, Izmir, Turkey
Abstract: The country-of-origin effect has become one of the most significant international marketing topics in which researchers have shown a great deal of interest. Despite the extensive research into the country-of-origin effect on products, there is a lack of up-to-date comprehensive review study providing an analysis of key empirical concepts, theoretical foundations, and major methodological trends about the country-of-origin effect in services marketing. As a result of the review study, a wide range of studies have been found that investigated the country-of-origin effect on service quality and purchase decisions. Some limitations were also determined regarding the sample, service type, theoretical background, and origins included in the studies. This study hopes to make a significant contribution to the international marketing literature by providing a profound understanding of the country-of-origin effect within the services marketing frame, all the while presenting a systematic review of articles focusing on this matter published between 1986 and 2021.
Keywords: country of origin; services marketing; country image; international marketing; literature review.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEXPORTM.2022.127780
International Journal of Export Marketing, 2022 Vol.5 No.1, pp.103 - 136
Received: 06 Jun 2022
Accepted: 28 Aug 2022
Published online: 16 Dec 2022 *