Title: Factors affecting behavioural intentions to use e-banking services: an extension of TAM in Indian context
Authors: Balpreet Kaur; Rishi Raj Sharma
Addresses: Department of Management Studies and Commerce, DIPS Institute of Management and Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India ' Department of Business Management, Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus, Gurdaspur, 143521, Punjab, India
Abstract: Using technology acceptance model (TAM) as theoretical base, an extended TAM incorporating perceived security and perceived privacy as issues of perceived risk for adoption and promotion of e-banking services is conceptualised. Structural equation modelling (SEM) technique was applied to analyse the causal relationship among the constructs. Results of the model indicate that in comparison to perceived privacy, perceived security is the most important determinant which helps in reducing the risk perceived by the customers in adoption of online banking services. Further, the perception of low risk affects customers' behavioural intentions to accept internet banking technology as well as their intentions to spread positive word-of-mouth (WOM) about the service provider. Perceived usefulness and ease of use of the website is equally important but the perception of high risk and insecurity suppress the effectiveness of website usability. Henceforth, to promote the website, the financial institutions offering online services to their customers have to develop the mechanism that would ensure the security and privacy of financial data as well as the personal information provided by the customers.
Keywords: e-banking; e-WOM; technology acceptance model; TAM; perceived security; perceived privacy; perceived risk.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2022 Vol.32 No.4, pp.414 - 430
Received: 15 Jun 2018
Accepted: 27 Jun 2019
Published online: 10 Jan 2023 *