Title: A novel inverse DEA model for restructuring DMUs with negative data

Authors: Saeid Ghobadi; Khosro Soleimani-Chamkhorami; Ehsan Zanboori

Addresses: Department of Mathematics, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran ' Department of Mathematics, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran ' Department of Basic Science, Nourabad Mamasani Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nourabad Mamasani, Iran

Abstract: One of the important issues in generalised restructuring of a set of units is the identification of the input and output levels from a new set of post-restructuring units. This paper deals with the generalised restructuring of decision making units (DMUs) in the presence of negative data for achieving efficiency targets. A novel inverse DEA model is proposed for modelling the generalised restructuring of a set of DMUs in the presence of negative data. Sufficient conditions are given for estimation of inputs and outputs of the new set of post-restructuring units to realise efficiency targets. A numerical example is employed to illustrate the developed theory.

Keywords: data envelopment analysis; DEA; inverse DEA; multiple objective programming; MOP; generalised restructuring; efficiency; negative data.

DOI: 10.1504/IJOR.2023.128563

International Journal of Operational Research, 2023 Vol.46 No.1, pp.118 - 132

Received: 25 Dec 2019
Accepted: 08 Mar 2020

Published online: 26 Jan 2023 *

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