Title: Macro and micro-climatic analysis of traditional houses in Turkey

Authors: Aliyu Usman; Parastoo Pourvahidi

Addresses: Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus International University, Via Mersin 10, 99258 Nicosia, Turkey ' Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus International University, Via Mersin 10, 99258 Nicosia, Turkey

Abstract: Buildings consume more than half of the world's energy, contributing to climate change. The purpose of the research is to equip architects with a way for constructing buildings based on microclimate in order to reduce future energy usage. The research was carried out in order to find a solution to Turkey's climate change issue. The research was conducted in seven distinct districts throughout Turkey. These are the regions of Eastern Anatolia, Central Anatolia, Black Sea Region, Mediterranean Region, Aegean Region, Marmara Region, and South-Eastern Anatolia Region. The construction industry in Turkey is experiencing a surge in demand for residential constructions as the country's population grows. As a result, in light of the above statement, the contribution of this research is to provide builders with a simple and explicit method for designing a building based on microclimate in order to reduce energy consumption in the future.

Keywords: energy efficiency; climate change; micro-climate; macro-climate; Turkey; construction industry; explicit method.

DOI: 10.1504/IJGW.2023.128838

International Journal of Global Warming, 2023 Vol.29 No.1/2, pp.30 - 48

Received: 09 Nov 2021
Accepted: 19 Mar 2022

Published online: 07 Feb 2023 *

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