Title: Nano-drug release control microchip combined with biomaterials in the recovery of shoulder joint movement and contraction
Authors: Zhigang Tong
Addresses: Physical Education School, Shihezi University, Shihezi, 832000, Xinjiang, China
Abstract: This study was to explore the effect of a new type of biological tissue engineering stent of Kartogenin (KGN) loaded with polycaprolactone (PCL) combined with a microarray polylactic acid (PLA) nanodrug release (NDR) microchip based on magnetic nanoparticles to promote the healing of rotator cuff injury (RCI). Firstly, the ferroferric oxide (Fe3O4) magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were prepared and applied to PLA-loaded microchips to realise the remote magnetic control (RMC) of 1% lidocaine. Secondly, the directional PCL stent loaded with KGN (KGN-PCL) was prepared using the electrospinning technology. The results showed that the KGN-PCL biomaterial showed excellent in vitro drug release ability. The microarray PLA NDR microchip based on Fe3O4 MNPs combined with the KGN-PCL biological stent can promote the regeneration of cartilage in the tendon bone structure of the rotator cuff, and elevate the healing quality of rotator cuff tendon-bone by improving the biomechanical properties of the rotator cuff.
Keywords: Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles; nanodrug release microchip; Kartogenin; biological tissue engineering stent; rotator cuff injury; biomechanical properties.
International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2022 Vol.19 No.6/7/8/9/10/11, pp.684 - 701
Received: 20 Mar 2021
Accepted: 10 May 2021
Published online: 13 Feb 2023 *