Title: Preparation of nano biosensors for detection of intestinal flora and cellulose molecular weight
Authors: Xiaoqian Liu
Addresses: The School of Physical Education, Wuhan Business University, Hubei 430056, China
Abstract: Fe2O3@Au and DNA-loaded NPs were prepared first, which were then attached to GCE to prepare Fe2O3@Au/GCE biosensor. The influence of different polymerisation temperature, cellulose molecule solutions of different concentrations, cellulose molecule binding time, and electrolyte concentration on the sensor was measured. The results showed that the diffraction peaks of Fe2O3 NPs appeared at 18°, 22°, 33°, 47°, and 54°, respectively, corresponding to the bitplanes of (222), (312), (415), (524), (425) of Fe2O3 NPs. The biosensor had a potential peak around 0.9V at different polymerisation temperatures, and the potential peak intensity results were expressed as 40°C<45°C<60°C<55°C<50°C. The binding capacity of the biosensor to the cellulose molecular weight in different ratios were expressed as 1:3>1:5>1:4>1:2. The relative standard error of the peak current by the biosensor in 1.5 mM Fe(CN)63-/4- solution was 1.21%. Fe2O3@Au/GCE biosensor can effectively detect intestinal flora and determine the cellulose molecular weight, with high selectivity, sensitivity, and reproducibility.
Keywords: nano Au; Fe2O3; glassy carbon electrode; biosensor; intestinal flora; cellulose molecule; cyclic voltammetry; differential pulse voltammetry.
International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2022 Vol.19 No.6/7/8/9/10/11, pp.768 - 789
Received: 30 Apr 2021
Accepted: 11 Jun 2021
Published online: 13 Feb 2023 *