Title: Evaluation method based on a tracing mechanism for adaptive user interfaces: application in intelligent transport systems
Authors: Makram Soui; Soumaya Moussa; Christophe Kolski; Mourad Abed
Addresses: School of Engineering and Computer Science, Oakland University, USA ' Manouba University, Tunisia ' LAMIH-UMR CNRS 8201, University of Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, France ' LAMIH-UMR CNRS 8201, University of Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, France
Abstract: Nowadays, adaptive user interfaces (AUI) are more and more present everywhere in our daily life activities (at home, at work, in public places, etc.). Moreover, they can have different adaptation capabilities; can be disseminated in the environment of the users and take into account different user profiles. Many academic and industrial studies are conducted about user modelling, design methods and tools for user interface (UI) generation. However, the evaluation of such user interfaces is difficult. In fact, there exist relatively few works in the literature about such AUI evaluation. To fill up this lack, it is necessary to envisage new evaluation methods focused on adaptation quality of UI. In this research work, we propose an evaluation method called METhod based on a TRAcing system (MetTra). This method has been validated by evaluating AUIs in the transportation field.
Keywords: adaptive user interface; AUI; evaluation; METhod based on a TRAcing system; MetTra; intelligent transport systems; ITS.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAIP.2023.129180
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 2023 Vol.24 No.3/4, pp.295 - 331
Received: 27 Sep 2017
Accepted: 12 Nov 2017
Published online: 01 Mar 2023 *