Title: New technology MO PVD-arc multi-layer producing plasma atmosphere of Al(CH3)3 precursor
Authors: Marek Betiuk, Kryspin Burdynski, Aleksander Nakonieczny, Andrzej Przywoski, Marek Szudrowicz, Hartmut Baum
Addresses: Institute of Precision Mechanics, Duchnicka 3, 01-796 Warsaw, Poland. ' Institute of Precision Mechanics, Duchnicka 3, 01-796 Warsaw, Poland. ' Institute of Precision Mechanics, Duchnicka 3, 01-796 Warsaw, Poland. ' Institute of Precision Mechanics, Duchnicka 3, 01-796 Warsaw, Poland. ' WITiPS ul.Okuniewska 1, 05-070 Sulejowek, Poland. ' Mining Academy, Gustav-Zeuner Str. 5, 09599 Freiberg, Germany
Abstract: Among new technologies applied to obtaining of surface layers from gaseous phase especially remarkable is PVD method in which one of the substrate is vapour. Actually exist many modifications of PVD methods. In their especially interested are this, in which were used a plasma for layers deposition, for example PAPVD (Plasma Assisted PVD) method. In technologies PAPVD the kind and the way of supplying substrates of chemical reaction into the plasma area and the method of producing plasma play a general role. In this paper will be present a possibility of using trimethylaluminium (TMA) – Al(CH3)3 in PAPVD method. The presence of metalorganic precursors lead to decrease process temperature and make possibility to obtain coating with diversified chemical composition.
Keywords: PVD; MO PVD-arc; metalorganic precursors; plasma assisted PVD; trimethylaluminium; TMA; duplex processes; TiAlC; surface layers; gaseous phase; coatings; microstructure; material properties; heat treatment.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2007.012941
International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2007 Vol.2 No.1, pp.84 - 89
Published online: 31 Mar 2007 *
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