Title: Assessing the barriers and positive impacts due to good corporate social responsibility implementation: an exploration of policymakers' perceptions of select public and private entities
Authors: Vimal Srivastava; Raj Laxmi Srivastava
Addresses: Institute of Management, Commerce and Economics, Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, India ' Institute of Management, Commerce and Economics, Shri Ram Swaroop Memorial University, Lucknow, India
Abstract: The purpose of the present study is to assess the barriers and positive impacts due to good corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation by selected private and public sector companies of Uttar Pradesh. The findings of the study indicate that most of the policymakers belonging to private and public sector entities disagree to a large extent on the barriers they faced while implementing CSR activities. The policymakers believe to a great extent that good implementation of CSR activities bring a good positive response as it changes the perception of people towards the company's activities. It is recommended that in order to maximise the positive impact of CSR on the social and environmental systems in which they operate. companies must develop coherent CSR strategies. This should be an essential part of the job of every CEO and board.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility; CSR: stakeholder; perception.
International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2023 Vol.33 No.4, pp.425 - 443
Received: 16 Dec 2019
Accepted: 05 Jan 2020
Published online: 14 Mar 2023 *