Title: Methodological approach to the restoration of historical buildings based on microclimatic monitoring: the case of 'La Specola' Museum in Florence
Authors: F. Sciurpi; C. Carletti
Addresses: DIDA Department, University of Florence, Via San Niccolò 89/a, 50125 Florence, Italy ' DIDA Department, University of Florence, Via San Niccolò 89/a, 50125 Florence, Italy
Abstract: In this paper, a methodology meant to evaluate the building-plant system of historical museum buildings is presented. In this methodology, thermophysical characteristics of the envelope and technical features of the HVAC and lighting devices are collected, microclimatic parameters are monitored and assessed, and retrofitting strategies are defined and evaluated. The methodology is applied to 'La Specola' Museum in Florence, where microclimatic parameters have been monitored continuously for one year and conservation indicators have been defined and assessed. 'La Specola' is one of the oldest museums of Florence and contains zoological collection and anatomical waxes. In the paper, the results of the different retrofitting strategies, such as wall and roof insulation, window and skylight improvements, as well as the adding of shading devices, are presented and discussed for selected representative rooms.
Keywords: museums; historical buildings; preventive conservation; evaluation methodology; microclimatic monitoring; energy modelling; calibration; retrofitting strategies.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMRI.2023.129554
International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, 2023 Vol.8 No.2/3, pp.222 - 247
Received: 23 Mar 2021
Accepted: 30 Sep 2021
Published online: 14 Mar 2023 *