Title: Ishq - the Sufi Way of leadership

Authors: Amit Gupta

Addresses: IndianOil Corporation Limited, New Delhi 110049, India

Abstract: This paper studies three types of leadership theories - value-based leadership, indigenous leadership, and leadership theories with traces of mysticism. The author shows how Sufism can be viewed as a framework of leadership (Spiller and Watson, 2021) that holds a sustained relevance in enduring turbulent times. The paper is timely because of increased interest in positive leadership, values-based leadership and culturally rooted leadership. This paper extends leadership literature in multiple ways. First, it brings to light the relevance of a mystic critique of Sufism built on love in the contemporary situation and is the first work to present Sufism as a different way of leadership. Second, it synchronises with the rising voice of scholars who suggest that leadership studies, devoid of context, are incomplete and that non-western models of leadership must emerge (Sudhakar, 2021; Mango, 2018). Third, it addresses the concern of scholars who have been imploring for taking leadership beyond the realms of logic and including more elements of mysticism (van Lingen, 2019). Finally, future possible research directions are discussed.

Keywords: Sufism; blended leadership; indigenous leadership; non-western leadership; COVID-19; culture; heritage; India.

DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.129713

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2023 Vol.28 No.3, pp.321 - 351

Received: 18 Jul 2021
Accepted: 20 Nov 2021

Published online: 21 Mar 2023 *

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