Title: How popular is the usage of technology-based payment among retail store owners and consumers? - In emerging markets
Authors: R.K. Srivastava
Addresses: Department of Marketing and Research, Sydenham Institute of Management, University of Mumbai, India
Abstract: The study compares the acceptance of technology-based payment among mom-and-pop retail (small retailers) owners, and consumers; patronising the same, as technology-based payment is still a problem area in emerging markets like India. In this study, the numbers of participants are 408 in consumer category and 220 in retail category. Acceptance of technology-based payment among mom-and-pop store owners and consumers patronising the same in emerging markets such as India is influenced by experience and service charges of the technology-based payment. Results of the study can help mobile payment companies understand factors that are relevant to increasing adoption of technology in the context of merchants and consumers. The rational-adoption theory (R-A theory) is used to explain the comparative study of digital adoption mode of payment among owners and consumers by combining theory of diffusion of innovations (Rogers, 2003) and the rational choice theory (Allingham, 2002).
Keywords: technology-based payment; mom-and-pop stores; consumers; debit card; credit card; demographic variables; theory of diffusion of innovations; rational choice theory.
DOI: 10.1504/IJBFMI.2023.129849
International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence, 2023 Vol.8 No.2, pp.114 - 130
Received: 05 Jul 2022
Accepted: 07 Jul 2022
Published online: 31 Mar 2023 *