Title: An adaptive fusion method of multi-mode human-computer interaction information in intelligent warehouse
Authors: Shengbo Sun; Hao Wang; Chong Li; Yi Wang; Bing Li
Addresses: State Grid Hebei Marketing Service Centre, Hebei, 050000, China ' State Grid Hebei Marketing Service Centre, Hebei, 050000, China ' State Grid Hebei Marketing Service Centre, Hebei, 050000, China ' State Grid Hebei Marketing Service Centre, Hebei, 050000, China ' State Grid Hebei Marketing Service Centre, Hebei, 050000, China
Abstract: In order to obtain comprehensive multi-mode human-computer interaction information and enhance image definition, the adaptive fusion method of multi-mode human-computer interaction information in intelligent warehouse is studied. The canonical correlation analysis (CCA) fusion method of double width learning is established. The multi-mode HMI image information is introduced. Combined with the enhancement characteristics of dimensionality reduction modes at each layer, the enhanced nonlinear fusion dimensionality reduction characteristics are obtained through the fusion node layer, and the adaptive fusion results of multi-mode human-computer interaction information are output at the output layer. The experimental results show that when Gaussian and Poisson noise are added, this method can still adaptively fuse the multi-mode human-computer interaction image information, highlight the image details and improve the image definition. In different dimensions of human-computer interaction image information, it has rich image information and less visual information loss.
Keywords: intelligent warehouse; multimodal; human-computer interaction information; adaptive fusion; width learning; correlation analysis.
DOI: 10.1504/IJRIS.2023.130210
International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, 2023 Vol.15 No.2, pp.148 - 155
Received: 20 May 2022
Accepted: 07 Jul 2022
Published online: 06 Apr 2023 *