Title: Combining combinatorial optimisation and planning to solve the non-recurrent traffic jam problem
Authors: Yacine Laalaoui
Addresses: Department of Information Technology, Taif University, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abstract: In this paper, we solve the non-recurrent traffic jam problem. This problem includes n stopped vehicles where all of them share the same destination. We divided the problem into three subproblems namely: pathfinding, min-max, and planning. Pathfinding consists of determining the list of roads and paths that will be used to solve the jam situation. Min-max is an optimisation problem, and it consists of assigning the overall vehicles in the jam situation to the list of roads leading to the final destination. Planning consists of finding the list of moves by each vehicle that will lead to the clearance of the jam situation. The proposed approach can be used to solve arisen jam situations at any time in the road network, and it has potential use in handling emergency situations. Experimental results using CPLEX and Metric-FF solvers on randomly-generated problem instances provide computational evidence of the applicability of the described approach.
Keywords: non-recurrent traffic jam; pathfinding; min-max; vehicles assignment; planning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJAISC.2022.130553
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 2022 Vol.7 No.4, pp.267 - 298
Received: 20 Mar 2022
Received in revised form: 31 Aug 2022
Accepted: 11 Sep 2022
Published online: 27 Apr 2023 *