Title: Influencing factors of provincial population mortality in China from the perspective of environment

Authors: Bizhen Chen; Minjie Li; Yihui Chen

Addresses: School of Information Management, Minnan University of Science and Technology, Quanzhou, 362700, China ' School of Economics and Trade, Fujian Jiangxia University, Fuzhou, 350108, China ' Anxi College of Tea Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, 350002, China

Abstract: As the environment deteriorates, research on influencing factors of population mortality can significantly reduce mortality through environmental protection and reduction of carbon emissions, and ultimately achieve the goal of sustainable development. This paper analyses the spatial and temporal evolution trend and influencing factors of population mortality in provinces in China. The conclusions are as follows: 1) China's overall population mortality rate showed an upward trend from 2004 to 2018. Moreover, population mortality rates in the central and western regions were higher than that in the eastern region. 2) The influence of environmental factors on population mortality had obvious spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Specifically, the waste gas pollution had a positive effect on population mortality. The wastewater pollution would not increase population mortality as a whole. Medical and health resources had a negative impact on population mortality. The increase in the number of medical and health personnel can effectively reduce mortality.

Keywords: population mortality; social environment; natural environment; environmental factors; best subset selection; BSS; geographically and temporally weighted regression; GTWR; waste gas pollution; wastewater pollution; medical and health resources.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEE.2023.130992

International Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2023 Vol.12 No.1, pp.33 - 51

Received: 06 Feb 2022
Accepted: 26 Nov 2022

Published online: 17 May 2023 *

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