Title: Strategic resource management in private, public, and mixed-owned organisations in cities: the power of strategic urban networks

Authors: Donizete Beck; José Storopoli; Júlio Carneiro da Cunha; Eran Vigoda-Gadot

Addresses: School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel; Graduate School of Administration, Nove de Julho University, Brazil ' Department of Computer Science, Nove de Julho University, Brazil ' Graduate School of Administration, Nove de Julho University, Brazil ' Division of Public Administration & Policy, School of Political Sciences, University of Haifa, Israel; HSE, National Research University, Russian Federation

Abstract: This study mapped the seminal intellectual structure, the recent mainstream research, and discussed the evolution from seminal intellectual structure to mainstream research on resource-based View (RBV) for strategic resource management (SRM) in the urban context. We performed bibliometrics through co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling. Findings: 1) RBV has not been enough for the public, private or mixed organisations to set their SRM; 2) RBV, relational view, industry-structure view, and stakeholder theory are critical for SRM in cities; 3) we conceptualised the term 'strategic urban network' for SRM, which mainly concerns with the dynamic of resources and stakeholders within the urban context. Social capital, dynamic capabilities, human resources, non-human resources, marketing, knowledge-based view, and global and diverse stakeholders are vital aspects for efficient exploration and exploitation in strategic urban networks. In turn, it can result in the better socioeconomic development of cities and performance of public, private, and mixed-owned organisations.

Keywords: resource-based view; RBV; relational view; industry-structure view; stakeholder theory; urban studies; public administration; organisational studies; strategic management; strategic urban networks; strategic networks; urban development; socioeconomic development; social capital; dynamic capability; urban branding.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.131134

International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, 2023 Vol.14 No.2, pp.198 - 223

Received: 31 May 2022
Accepted: 01 Nov 2022

Published online: 31 May 2023 *

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