Title: Influence of consumer tribalism on purchase behaviour: an empirical study through the lens of tribalism using recreational running groups/clubs in India
Authors: M. Charan
Addresses: University of Mysore, Crawford Hall, Vishwavidyanilaya Karya Soudha, Mysore, Karnataka 570005, India
Abstract: This study explores the consumer tribal phenomenon to understand the closely connected informal groups' influence on its members' purchase behaviours. Dimensions for tribalism were adopted from Sahlins's segmentary lineage theory and informational and normative influence indicated purchase behaviours. A hypothesised model was tested using SEM and was a good fit. The study focused on runners of recreational running groups as they fit the consumer tribal description (n = 399). Between normative and information influence, there was a higher positive correlation between tribalism and informational purchase behaviour, suggesting tribes are voluntary and knowledgeable where members identification, belonging and emotional connection to the group can influence members purchase behaviours. These influences are based on trust, camaraderie and friendship that are created by mutuality and interdependence that is based on common passion. Study implies firms can position their product offering and leverage these expert groups for various engagements and for researchers provides an alternative perspective to understand consumption.
Keywords: consumer tribes; tribalism; social influence; normative influence; informational influence; purchase behaviour; informal groups; group influence; tribal marketing; recreational running groups/clubs in India; India.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2023.131475
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2023 Vol.29 No.2, pp.243 - 270
Received: 12 Oct 2021
Accepted: 30 Jan 2022
Published online: 13 Jun 2023 *