Title: Effect of communication and emotional types on team reciprocity in healthcare organisation

Authors: Murako Saito, Genki Murakami, Mitsuhiko Karashima

Addresses: Health Care Technology Management Research Center, Research Institute on the Future Policy of Healthcare, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. ' Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. ' Tokai University, Hiratsuka, Japan

Abstract: This paper deals with the relationship among organisational climate, member communication, team reciprocity and team care effectiveness, comparison of team reciprocity by communication type and the comparison of human resources and human performance reliability by Emotional Intelligence Competence (EIC) based on our earlier studies. Three themes are provided (1) causal relationship of latent variables on organisational climate, communication, team reciprocity and team care effectiveness, (2) the effect of communication on team reciprocity by communication type and (3) the comparison of human resources and performance reliability by emotional regulation. Significant differences in team reciprocity were observed between two types of communication, such as Face-To-Face (FTF) and Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Significant differences were also observed in performance reliability between the higher and the lower score groups of interpersonal relationship management representing emotional intelligence competency.

Keywords: care; change catalysts; communication types; interpersonal relationship management; human resources; human performance; emotional intelligence competence; human performance reliability; team reciprocity; emotional types; organisational culture; face-to-face; computer mediated communication; healthcare management; healthcare technology; teamwork.

DOI: 10.1504/IJHTM.2007.013160

International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management, 2007 Vol.8 No.3/4, pp.196 - 208

Published online: 11 Apr 2007 *

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