Title: A comprehensive strategic approach for supplier management: selection, homogeneous clustering and negotiation
Authors: Ayeley Philippe Tchangani
Addresses: LGP, Université de Toulouse, 47 Avenue d'Azereix, 65016 Tarbes, France
Abstract: There is a popular saying that you should not put all your eggs in one basket. We believe that to some extent this adage can be applied to a manufacturer of goods vis-à-vis its suppliers in the sense that it is necessary to diversify the sources of origin of its raw materials or semi-finished products. To select its potential suppliers, the company sets its objectives first and then determines the criteria that must be used to evaluate any potential supplier. In this paper, we assume that the objectives (generally economic, social and environmental objectives), evaluation criteria and a list of suppliers are established by the company, and our goal acting as an analyst is to propose an evaluation framework for building a portfolio of supplier companies and/or clustering them into homogeneous categories for their appropriate treatment. To do this, we propose to apply a multi-criteria analysis method called bipolar analysis.
Keywords: suppliers selection; suppliers homogeneous clustering; bipolar analysis; BOCR analysis; synergistic aggregation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2023.131742
International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2023 Vol.22 No.3, pp.261 - 278
Received: 31 Jan 2022
Accepted: 03 Jul 2022
Published online: 30 Jun 2023 *