Title: Performance investigation of a spark ignition engine operated on mixtures of methane-hydrogen and different liquid fuels
Authors: Guven Gonca; Ibrahim Genc
Addresses: Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Besiktas, 34349, Istanbul, Turkey ' Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Kadikoy, 34720, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: This report presents the impacts of triple fuel blends composed of liquefied methane-hydrogen and benzene, gasoline, hexane, toluene, iso-octane, ethyl alcohol (ethanol) and methyl alcohol (methanol) on the specifications of performance and NO formation of a spark ignition engine (SIE). A gas fuel's mass ratio has been remained constant as 50%, and mass ratio of other gas fuel has been changed between 10% and 50%. The maximum thermal and exergy efficiencies are 37.15% and 37.31% which are observed with 50% benzene-50% hydrogen combustion and minimum values of them are 20.69% and 20.61% which are attained with 50% methanol-50% hydrogen. The peak NO is attained with 50% benzene-50% hydrogen combustion as 5.78E-07 mol/cm3 and minimum NO is attained with 50% methane-50% hydrogen as 2.92E-9 mol/cm3.
Keywords: ternary fuel mixtures; liquid fuel; gas fuel; spark ignition; NO formation.
International Journal of Exergy, 2023 Vol.41 No.3, pp.282 - 294
Received: 26 Oct 2022
Received in revised form: 16 Feb 2023
Accepted: 19 Feb 2023
Published online: 04 Jul 2023 *