Title: Industry 4.0 projects: a set of new individual competencies

Authors: Taina Alves Townsend; Cristiane Drebes Pedron; Rodrigo Menezes de Souza; Roberto Lima Ruas

Addresses: Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, Rua Deputado Salvador Julianelli, s/n – Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP, 01156-080, Brazil ' Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, Rua Deputado Salvador Julianelli, s/n – Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP, 01156-080, Brazil ' Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, Rua Deputado Salvador Julianelli, s/n – Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP, 01156-080, Brazil ' Universidade Nove de Julho – UNINOVE, Rua Deputado Salvador Julianelli, s/n – Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP, 01156-080, Brazil

Abstract: The current paper aims to identify the individual competencies of collaborators in Industry 4.0 projects. We used the Delphi method with three rounds as a research methodology. Sixty-three experts engaged with Industry 4.0 projects, professionals and academics, participated in the study. A set of individual competencies related to Industry 4.0 was identified: 1) technical (technical skills, systemic process comprehension, IT security skills, project management tendency, analytical skills, and business knowledge); 2) personal (flexibility, learning motivation, decision-making, ambiguity tolerance, and ability to work under pressure); 3) methodological (creativity, digital mindset, and entrepreneur thinking); 4) social aspects (communication skills, team-working skills, being committed and proactive, conflict resolution, and leadership skills). The findings led to a list of competencies for project managers and other team members in the Industry 4.0' context. This result provides new insights related to personnel development in project-managed environments and educational guidance for the future workforce.

Keywords: Industry 4.0; competencies; project management; workforce; skills; individual competencies; digital transformation; Delphi method; competences.

DOI: 10.1504/IJCAET.2023.131942

International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 2023 Vol.18 No.4, pp.225 - 252

Accepted: 02 Apr 2022
Published online: 05 Jul 2023 *

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