Title: Comparative effect of biogas and biodiesel on performance and emission of diesel engine: a review
Authors: Sanjay D. Mali; Pinkesh R. Shah; Divyang R. Shah; Dinesh D. Mevada
Addresses: Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India; Mechanical Engineering Department GEC, Gandhinagar, India ' Mechanical Engineering Department GP, Ahmedabad, India ' Mechanical Engineering Department GEC, Dahod, India ' Mechanical Engineering Department GEC, Gandhinagar, India
Abstract: The rate of usage of fossil fuels is a major problem that must be addressed in terms of future views on global overall energy demand due to its finite nature and environmental issues. Numerous experiments were conducted to investigate the performance and emissions of an IC engine running on alternative fuel often with additives, and compare with performance of conventional fuel. The results of the investigation show that using alternatives fuel improves brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) while simultaneously increasing pollutant concentrations. As an alternative fuel, biodiesel and biogas appear to be a credible alternative candidate for conventional fuel. In this review article comparison of conventional fuel with combined use of biodiesel and biogas has been carried out. Effect on various performance parameters like BTE, BSFC and emission parameter carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide has been compared with conventional fuel. In comparison to diesel, mixing 20% biodiesel with biogas produces the best results without modifying the engine, while also having a good impact on pollutants.
Keywords: compression ignition engine; CIE; biodiesel; biogas; compressed natural gas; CNG.
International Journal of Design Engineering, 2023 Vol.12 No.1, pp.69 - 85
Received: 15 Sep 2022
Accepted: 27 Mar 2023
Published online: 05 Jul 2023 *