Title: A framework for assessing residual energy in wireless sensor network
Authors: Mitun Bhattacharyya, Ashok Kumar, Magdy Bayoumi
Addresses: Centre for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LO 70504-4330, USA. ' Centre for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LO 70504-4330, USA. ' Centre for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LO 70504-4330, USA
Abstract: Wireless sensor nodes are expected to make economical, energy efficient decisions at all layers of the protocol stack with the limited amount of battery energy that they have. The aim of this work is to propose an algorithm that provides a framework to obtain the cluster-wise global energy status of sensors| residual energies. Two aggregates are explored for the energy status assessment within an Energy Message. The first aggregate has measurement of number of sensors with defined intervals of voltage ranges. The second aggregate considers that the cluster is divided into sectors and calculates the average of residual energies of each sector. It is seen that as the number of sensors increased, more energy-rich sensors were chosen (45.87% higher for a 9 × 9 sensors sized network) with the proposed Energy Message considerations than without for an implemented routing protocol or the |individual| view.
Keywords: wireless sensor networks; energy aggregate; residual energy; WSNs; wireless networks; energy efficiency.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSNET.2007.013206
International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2007 Vol.2 No.3/4, pp.256 - 272
Published online: 11 Apr 2007 *
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