Title: Intellectual capital as a performance factor of communication and information start-ups in Portugal

Authors: António José Mendes Ferreira; Paulo Jorge de Almeida Pereira; Célia dos Prazeres Ribeiro; Sílvia de Almeida Sousa

Addresses: Institute of Management and Health Organisations, Portuguese Catholic University, CEFAGE-UBI, Portugal ' Institute of Management and Health Organisations, Portuguese Catholic University, CEFAGE-UBI, Portugal ' Institute of Management and Health Organisations, Portuguese Catholic University, CEFAGE-UBI, Portugal ' Institute of Management and Health Organisations, Portuguese Catholic University, CEFAGE-UBI, Portugal

Abstract: In order to analyse the influence of intellectual capital on the performance of communication and information start-ups, a quantitative methodology was selected, whose data were collected through a questionnaire survey addressed to the management bodies of communication and information start-ups, and 100 valid responses were considered. The results obtained show that intellectual capital has a strong influence on performance and that, among the dimensions of intellectual capital, there is one that exerts a greater influence on each of the dimensions of the balanced scorecard. The present study indicates as contributions, regarding literature, the connection between the constructs, intellectual capital and performance, allowing to deepen the knowledge about these concepts and, also, to evidence the importance of intellectual capital as a performance enhancer. For the corporate environment, the most significant contribution is the affirmation of intellectual capital as a competitive advantage for companies of this type, as it enhances their performance.

Keywords: intellectual capital; performance; balanced scorecard and communication and information start-ups; Portugal.

DOI: 10.1504/IJLIC.2023.132179

International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 2023 Vol.20 No.4, pp.448 - 465

Accepted: 08 Feb 2023
Published online: 12 Jul 2023 *

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