Title: Assessing the national complaint handling system in Indonesia (LAPOR!) using the design-reality gap model

Authors: Dian Ayu Puspitasari; Teguh Kurniawan

Addresses: Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia; Deputy for Public Services, Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia, South Jakarta, 12190, Indonesia ' Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Indonesia, Depok, 16424, Indonesia

Abstract: This study aims to assess the possibility of failure or success of the national complaint handling system in Indonesia, LAPOR!, using the design-reality gap model. It is crucial because the implementation of LAPOR! Has encountered some obstacles, allowing for failure and impacting the system's sustainability. Data were collected through interviews with LAPOR! stakeholders. Gap assessment of the system was conducted by experts. The study showed that the design and reality gaps of LAPOR! are still large. The gaps found in LAPOR! must be reduced so that the risk of system failure can be mitigated early on. Administrators of LAPOR! must pay attention to social and technical elements in the operation and development of this system in the future.

Keywords: complaint handling; design-Reality gap; E-government; E-government failure; E-government success; E-government sustainability; ITPOSMO; LAPOR!; public service.

DOI: 10.1504/IJEG.2023.132329

International Journal of Electronic Governance, 2023 Vol.15 No.2, pp.118 - 134

Received: 11 Oct 2021
Accepted: 03 Aug 2022

Published online: 18 Jul 2023 *

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