Title: Governmental data analytics: an agile framework development and a real world data analytics case study

Authors: Wafa Qadadeh; Sherief Abdallah

Addresses: Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, The British University in Dubai, P.O. Box 52844, Dubai, UAE ' Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, The British University in Dubai, P.O. Box 52844, Dubai, UAE

Abstract: Data is a key asset for organisations. Investment in data analytics has increased significantly over recent years to facilitate data-driven decisions. However, organisations face many challenges during the adoption of data analytics projects. According to Gartner, only 15-20% of data science projects get completed. One challenge is the lack of business understanding; even more so in government organisations where profit is not the main target. We propose a framework to help organisations (and in particular, government organisations) define the objectives of their data analytics projects. While many published frameworks have been used by organisations to implement data analytics efficiently, the literature has shown a gap between the objectives defined in research and those in real projects. This gap contributes to a lack of business understanding and is the main focus of this paper. The proposed framework introduces a systematic technique for business problem identification. To validate our framework, we used our proposed framework to help a governmental organisation in implementing their first data analytics initiative.

Keywords: data science; data analytics; framework; government; agile process; human resources.

DOI: 10.1504/IJASM.2023.132472

International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 2023 Vol.16 No.3, pp.289 - 316

Received: 14 Nov 2021
Accepted: 06 Apr 2022

Published online: 21 Jul 2023 *

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