Title: Study of Python libraries for NLP
Authors: Anand Khandare; Nipun Agarwal; Amruta Bodhankar; Ankur Kulkarni; Ishaan Mane
Addresses: Computer Department, TCET, Mumbai, India ' Computer Department, TCET, Mumbai, India ' Computer Department, TCET, Mumbai, India ' Computer Department, TCET, Mumbai, India ' Computer Department, TCET, Mumbai, India
Abstract: Without words, any language is incomplete, and grammar is responsible for driving those words. Interaction with computers is similar to human conversation in that it requires words and signs to communicate with one another. The traditional method of interacting with a computer by clicking and tapping on options is gradually being replaced by a more seamless approach that includes conversations. This modern mode of communication includes speaking to the computer in a more natural manner, similar to how we speak to other people. Natural language processing is the science behind how humans can interact with computers more intuitively. The goal of this domain is to figure out how to make computers understand and make sense of commonly spoken human language in addition to the usual and rationally defined set of instructions.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; natural language processing; NLP; Python; Python libraries.
DOI: 10.1504/IJDATS.2023.132564
International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 2023 Vol.15 No.1/2, pp.116 - 128
Received: 16 Aug 2022
Accepted: 08 Jan 2023
Published online: 28 Jul 2023 *