Title: Determination of transport method for in-bound logistics by information axiom and fuzzy information axiom approach
Authors: Ozan Ateş
Addresses: Department of Industrial Engineering, Istanbul Gedik University, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: Lean logistics is the logistics dimension of lean philosophy. The purpose of lean logistics is to deliver the right material to the right place in the right quantity and with the right presentation efficiently. Axiomatic design is a tool that establishes a scientific basis for design activities. The first axiom of design is the independence axiom, which aims to maintain independence of functional requirements, the second axiom is the information axiom, which aims to minimise information content. As a methodology, the fuzzy information axiom and the weighted fuzzy information axiom were used in the evaluation of transport methods in terms of criteria. In the use of fuzzy information axiom and weighted fuzzy information axiom approaches, numerical, verbal and fuzzy expressions were used in the design interval data determined by logistics experts. In this study, six transportation methods were evaluated in terms of seven criteria for a real case and the most suitable transportation method was selected.
Keywords: axiomatic design; lean logistics; in-bound logistics; fuzzy logic; information axiom.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSTL.2023.132676
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2023 Vol.17 No.1/2, pp.214 - 231
Received: 17 Jun 2022
Accepted: 12 Nov 2022
Published online: 07 Aug 2023 *