Title: Unleashing a DMAIC-roadmap for sustainable deployment of 'AI' in Indian automobile supply chains
Authors: Eisha Mehta Sharma; Bikram Jit Singh
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, MM Engineering College, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana-133207, Haryana, India ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, MM Engineering College, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Mullana-133207, Haryana, India
Abstract: With the evolution of automation and Industry 4.0, there has been a drastic revolution in the fields of manufacturing supply chains. This has even given rise to global competition and supply chain complexities as well. In the world of information technology, artificial intelligence (AI) plays a major role in running the things with ease and access. The main focus of this study will be on the Indian automobile supply chains (IASCs), where the implementation of AI will be suggested by framing a functional model through well-structured 'DMAIC' approach, without ignoring the barrier and driver factors, prevailing in Indian supply chain environments. The revolutionary define-measure-analyse-improve-control (DMAIC) strategy of Six Sigma is well tested for its 'defect reduction' aspects and also evolved as a strong 'problem-solving tool' from last couple of decades. In the present study, DMAIC's efficacy is tested for providing a feasible AI deployment model for Indian automobile supply chains.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; non-parametric testing; automobile supply chain; ASC; DMAIC; deployment model.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIMS.2023.132744
International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services, 2023 Vol.9 No.2/3, pp.164 - 179
Received: 25 Feb 2022
Accepted: 05 Jun 2022
Published online: 09 Aug 2023 *