Title: Investigating consumer acceptance of NFC mobile payment apps in India: a UTAUT2 approach

Authors: Kanishk Gupta; Nupur Arora

Addresses: Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Outer Ring Rd., AU Block, Ranikhet, Pitam Pura, New Delhi, Delhi 110034, India ' Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Outer Ring Rd., AU Block, Ranikhet, Pitam Pura, New Delhi, Delhi 110034, India

Abstract: Near field communication (NFC) payment apps is a promising new age technology which is predicted to impact daily monetary transaction immensely in India. This technology got its popularity after digital payment methods gained popularity due to demonetisation. The current research attempts to study the adoption of NFC payment apps in India through UTAUT2 approach. Utilitarian value was also used as a moderator in the research model to check its effect on other factors in the study. A sample of 304 respondents was gathered and analysed through PLS-SEM technique in order to examine UTAUT2 theory. The results evidently depicted that performance expectancy, effort expectancy and hedonic motivation significantly and positively predict behavioural intention with no significant moderation effect of utilitarian value. Also, social influence, facilitating conditions and habit were not supported. Subsequently, behavioural intention did not significantly predict use behaviour towards NFC payment apps both before and after moderation.

Keywords: near field communication; NFC; performance expectancy; effort expectancy; habit; social influence; facilitating conditions; utilitarian value; hedonic motivation; UTAUT2; PLS-SEM; India.

DOI: 10.1504/IJBIR.2023.132902

International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 2023 Vol.31 No.3, pp.378 - 406

Received: 13 Mar 2020
Accepted: 08 Mar 2021

Published online: 16 Aug 2023 *

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