Title: Bibliometric analysis of user experience research during 1995-2018
Authors: Fu Guo; Mingming Li; Xueshuang Wang; Vincent G. Duffy
Addresses: Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, No. 195, Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, 110167, China ' Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, No. 195, Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, 110167, China ' Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, No. 195, Chuangxin Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang, 110167, China ' School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, USA
Abstract: User experience (UX) has become an effective method to improve the design of different products, technologies, and services, and researchers have made enormous contributions, in theory, context, measurement, and application. While no systematic and clustered review has been conducted for the entire field of user experience, this study aims to collect, count, and cluster studies related to user experience and provide a whole view of research on user experience by using the method of bibliometrics. The review illustrated the development of user experience area, identify the leading authors and papers. Further, it clustered the field into eight research areas based on network analysis. The results would provide a roadmap for further research in the field of user experience.
Keywords: user experience; review; bibliometrics; network analysis.
International Journal of the Digital Human, 2023 Vol.2 No.3, pp.179 - 196
Received: 27 Mar 2019
Accepted: 10 Feb 2020
Published online: 25 Aug 2023 *