Title: Processing of turkey breast and the implications of lean philosophy

Authors: Fernanda S. Bianchet; Luiz H. Maisonnett; Micheli Zanetti; Everton R. Breitenbach; Francisco R.S. Machado Junior; Josiane M.M. de Mello; Marcelo F. Costella; Francieli Dalcanton

Addresses: Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil ' Department of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community University of Chapeco Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil

Abstract: The aim of this study is to apply the lean philosophy in the turkey breast processing operations of a slaughterhouse, seeking to reduce waste, lead-time, and total processing time. The study was developed based on action research and a case study. It was possible to apply six Kaizens as lean application tools. Besides, the lead-time value and the total processing time were calculated before and after implementing the raised opportunities. The deployment of the lean philosophy at the company promoted a reduction of 1.6% in lead time and 76.8% in the total processing time of the turkey breasts. The study may support other poultry slaughterhouses and the food industry in general in deploying the lean philosophy. Regarding the theoretical contribution, clear limitations consider the type of product, perishability, restrictions imposed by legislation, and quality control, which generate differences among companies in the food industry.

Keywords: lean production; food industry; turkey breast; lead-time.

DOI: 10.1504/IJPQM.2023.133420

International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 2023 Vol.40 No.1, pp.120 - 147

Received: 29 Apr 2021
Accepted: 21 Sep 2021

Published online: 15 Sep 2023 *

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