Title: Towards more qualitative research paradigms in nascent entrepreneurship research
Authors: Maha Aly
Addresses: Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences, Technical Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Marker Allee 76-78, 59063 Hamm (West), Germany
Abstract: This paper argues that the research community may need to pay more attention to the value of qualitative research paradigms for the identification of behavioural patterns of nascent entrepreneurs. It presents a methodological approach to gain insights that complement significantly the current mainstream quantitative research. This paper highlights, justifies and explains the methodology used in an empirical study (example) exploring the behavioural patterns of nascent entrepreneurs in Germany during the early bootstrapping phase. Both grounded theory and ethnographic research techniques are used to uncover hidden explanations for entrepreneurial decision-making. Weaved together by methodological triangulation, the paper shows the potential explanatory power of qualitative research in the context of nascent entrepreneurs. It allows for an in-depth view into why and how qualitative methods are used to address certain behavioural patterns in the field of entrepreneurship. The mix of methods here is not common in the context of entrepreneurial empirical research but borrowed from anthropology.
Keywords: research methodology; qualitative; inductive; grounded theory; ethnographic research; nascent entrepreneurship; anthropology.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2023.133484
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2023 Vol.50 No.1, pp.113 - 132
Received: 12 May 2020
Accepted: 22 Jun 2020
Published online: 18 Sep 2023 *