Title: Fusion analysis of sports data based on smart sensors and blockchain technology
Authors: Yujia Wang
Addresses: Police Skills and Tactics Training Department, Criminal Investigation Police University of China, Shenyang 110854, Liaoning, China
Abstract: Smart sensors are sensors with data processing functions. They are equipped with microprocessors capable of collecting, processing and exchanging data, and are the product of the integration of sensors and microprocessors. This article aims to study the impact of smart sensors and blockchain technology on sports data fusion, and introduces a hierarchical model of sports athletes corresponding to the motion capture data. A human motion coordination system and reliable construction algorithm based on reliability and probability are proposed. This paper also proposes a data integration algorithm that enables applications in blockchain technology to run at a high speed, which extends the life cycle of network sensors to a certain extent. Blockchain technology is to use blockchain data structure to verify and store data, use distributed node consensus algorithm to generate and update data, use cryptography to ensure the security of data transmission and access, and use smart contracts composed of automated script codes. The experimental results of this article show that through the dynamic analysis algorithm of the smart sensor, it can be obtained that the visual range of the motion data is 22.5, and the network space value is 200. At the same time, it also shows that the use of distributed compressed sensing technology in blockchain technology can reduce the amount of information transmission in some aspects, and improve the speed and accuracy of data fusion.
Keywords: smart sensors; blockchain technology; data fusion; sports data.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGEI.2023.133804
International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2023 Vol.45 No.6, pp.524 - 541
Received: 23 Dec 2021
Accepted: 27 Sep 2022
Published online: 03 Oct 2023 *