Title: Factors influencing commercial bank selection choices by customers in Bhutan - an analysis using analytic hierarchy process
Authors: Madan Gurung
Addresses: Faculty of Finance, Mathematics and Statistics, Gedu College of Business Studies, Royal University of Bhutan, Gedu, Chukha, Bhutan
Abstract: This research paper presents the most recent findings to provide a validated instrument for assessing bank customers' selection decisions in Bhutan. The study's goal was to identify and examine the main factor which was influencing the customers' choice of commercial banks in Bhutan. A convenience sampling method was used, and data were collected using a well-structured questionnaire from a sample of 150 bank customers in Thimphu. The findings revealed that one of the most important factors of customers' bank selection decisions was service delivery, followed by convenience. Bank of Bhutan Limited was ranked first with the highest global priority weight and Druk Punjab National Bank Limited was ranked last with the lowest global priority weight when determining consumers' preference of bank based on each criterion evaluated in this study.
Keywords: bank selection; customers; commercial banks; analytic hierarchy process; AHP; Bhutan.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMCDM.2023.134122
International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making, 2023 Vol.9 No.3, pp.231 - 249
Accepted: 21 Apr 2023
Published online: 11 Oct 2023 *