Title: Exploring the brunt of social media personalised ads on online impulsive buying behaviour under the mediating role of behavioural facilitators
Authors: Hajira Atta; Naeem Ahmad; Mosab I. Tabash; Mohammad Ahmad Al-Omari
Addresses: Department of Business Studies, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, Islamabad, Pakistan ' Faculty of Business, Law and Social Sciences, Birmingham City University, UK ' College of Business, Al Ain University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates ' College of Business, Al Ain University, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates
Abstract: Personalisation is increasingly common in marketing practices on social media. This study examines the relationship among perceived ads personalisation on social media and online impulsive buying. The study also explores the mediating effect of behavioural determinants (perceived novelty, perceived relevance and privacy concerns) towards online impulsive buying. Based on commitment-trust theory, current study used purposive sampling technique and collected data from 465 respondents from domestic footwear retail on social media in Pakistan. This study used structural equation modelling to examine the hypothesised linkages between endogenous and exogenous variables. Current study noteworthy findings demonstrate that social media personalised ads positively associated with online impulsive buying and behavioural determinants. The boot strapping procedure indicates that perceived relevance and privacy concerns mediate the relationship between perceived ads personalisation and online impulsive buying behaviour. Furthermore, perceived novelty did not mediate relation between social media ads personalisation and online impulsive buying. Current study, findings can help the strategists, marketers and online footwear retail on social media in Pakistan for sustainable growth.
Keywords: perceived ads personalisation; impulsive buying behaviour; perceived novelty; perceived relevance; privacy concerns.
International Journal of Electronic Business, 2023 Vol.18 No.4, pp.444 - 465
Received: 12 Jun 2022
Accepted: 26 Mar 2023
Published online: 11 Oct 2023 *