Title: Building blocks of vocational higher education teachers' communication competences in e-learning and work experience: a qualitative study

Authors: Monja Pust; Boris Bukovec; Franc Brcar; Mirko Markič; Annmarie Gorenc Zoran

Addresses: School Centre Novo Mesto, Šegova Ulica 112, Novo Mesto, Slovenia ' Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo Mesto, Ulica Talcev 3, Novo Mesto, Slovenia ' Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo Mesto, Ulica Talcev 3, Novo Mesto, Slovenia ' Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo Mesto, Ulica Talcev 3, Novo Mesto, Slovenia; Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia ' Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo Mesto, Ulica Talcev 3, Novo Mesto, Slovenia

Abstract: This study examined the identification of communication competencies in e-learning by higher education vocational teachers' with varying levels of teaching experience in higher vocational schools. While experience emerged as a significant building block of communication competencies from the literature review, the participants highlighted personal attitude over experience as the primary building block of communication competencies in e-learning. Our research was conducted in January 2022 using MS Teams, a tool also used by teachers in their online teaching and is accessible during class. Through focus groups, semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis, the findings indicate that novice teachers prioritise content over communication, while more experienced teachers with work experience highlighted the importance of effective communication. This study contributes to the understanding of communication competencies in e-learning with the aim of establishing a more humanised online environment and highlights the need for further research in this area.

Keywords: communication competences; e-learning; vocational higher education; teachers work experiences; personal attitude; ICT skills; challenges of e-learning.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMIE.2023.134235

International Journal of Management in Education, 2023 Vol.17 No.6, pp.622 - 644

Received: 02 Mar 2023
Accepted: 08 Jul 2023

Published online: 13 Oct 2023 *

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