Title: The 'perfect technology syndrome': sources, consequences and solutions
Authors: Seppo Hanninen
Addresses: Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Helsinki University of Technology, Lahti Center, Saimaankatu 11, Lahti FIN-15140, Finland
Abstract: Recent research literature in product innovation has paid attention to the fact that technological discipline can lead to dominance by a knowledge base. Technology-intensive development is often partially and publicly supported and problems in finding a proper balance in technology development are in common interest. The objective of this study is to deepen the understanding of the dominance by technological knowledge base with reference to the sources, consequences and solutions of this overemphasis. Finnish publicly supported technology-intensive product innovation projects are studied. In the case studies, examples of the |perfect technology syndrome| are identified and their sources are analysed. This syndrome describes the intention to achieve the ultimate level in the technology development. Solutions proposed to the unfavourable consequences included alliances with organisations having complementary resources, careful pretesting of products with key partners and developing the technological products to specific target groups.
Keywords: commercialisation; inventions; dominant knowledge base; high tech industry; product innovation; Mupe; TEKES; high technology firms; technological innovation; knowlege management; Finland; technology management.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2007 Vol.39 No.1/2, pp.20 - 32
Published online: 29 Apr 2007 *
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