Title: Microstructure and performance analysis of self-closing polymer cement waterproof coating

Authors: Lianguang Mo; Yu Liu

Addresses: School of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang, 413000, China ' Department of Civil Engineering, Jinan Engineering Polytechnic, Jinan, 250200, China

Abstract: In order to improve the application reliability of waterproof coatings, the microstructure and performance analysis of self closing polymer cement waterproof coatings were conducted. Firstly, the raw materials and instruments for preparing the coating are selected, and the waterproof coatings are prepared according to the preparation process. Secondly, the microstructure, tensile property, water resistance and coating hardness of waterproof coating are analysed from the two factors of polymer cement ratio and lotion ratio. Finally, the performance of waterproof coatings is tested. The test results show that when the polymer cement ratio is 0.6 and the chloroprene/acrylate ratio is 90/10, the micro performance of the waterproof coating is improved. When the polymer cement ratio is 0.6, the tensile strength of the waterproof coating is 1.25 MPa, and the elongation at break is 254%. With the increase of the proportion of acrylate lotion, the tensile strength increases while the elongation at break decreases.

Keywords: self closing polymer; cement waterproof coating; microstructure; performance analysis.

DOI: 10.1504/IJMMP.2023.134768

International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties, 2023 Vol.16 No.6, pp.495 - 508

Received: 22 Mar 2023
Accepted: 14 Jul 2023

Published online: 09 Nov 2023 *

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