Title: Web service and internet of things: a systematic literature review
Authors: Henderson Acosta Bragança; Paulo Caetano Da Silva; Nacles Bernardino Pirajá Gomes
Addresses: Salvador University (UNIFACS), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil ' Salvador University (UNIFACS), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil ' Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Abstract: The use of IoT devices has reached different applications. However, some aspects of IoT technology pose difficulties and need to be investigated, such as limitations in the form of connection, the heterogeneity of systems and devices, characteristics of IoT systems and data, which are also heterogeneous and present inaccuracy, distinct sequencing and formats, which makes it difficult to exchange and manipulate them. One way to solve these issues can be through the integration of IoT systems with Web Services technology, as it is suitable for dealing with heterogeneous systems and data. Therefore, understanding how these technologies (Web Services and IoT) can be integrated to solve these problems, especially the lack of standardisation, becomes essential. Thus, an investigation was carried out in this work, through a literature review, on the relationship of IoT devices with Web Services, to understand the state of the art. From the literature review it was found that structured patterns, modelling of IoT systems and the difficulties related to network protocols, data formats, hardware and software platforms are not defined or detailed in the investigated works, however, the REST protocol (Representational State Transfer) has been constantly used in the proposed integrations between IoT and Web Services.
Keywords: IoT; internet of things; web services; SOA; service-oriented architecture.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2023.134774
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2023 Vol.73 No.2, pp.140 - 147
Received: 18 Oct 2022
Accepted: 14 Apr 2023
Published online: 09 Nov 2023 *