Title: Compromised-resilient counter-measures against black-hole and worm-hole attacks in edge-based internet of vehicles
Authors: Oladayo Olufemi Olakanmi; Kehinde Oluwasesan Odeyemi
Addresses: Office 6 Faculty of Technology Building, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria ' Office 3 Quadrangle Building, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria
Abstract: The Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is a distributed network that allows vehicles, pedestrians and several road units to exchange traffic and road-related information in real-time to increase users' safety and convenience. However, its inter-connectivity exposes the vehicles and the people to different cyber-attacks. In this paper, we identify the black-hole and worm-hole attacks as the major security threats to the IoV. We then propose periodic-time slicing and trust degree approaches to detect and discourage black-hole attacks, and a cryptography procedure to detect and prevent worm-hole attacks in the IoV.
Keywords: car connectivity; cyber-security; cloud and fog-assisted; internet of things; autonomous vehicles.
DOI: 10.1504/IJVICS.2023.135073
International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, 2023 Vol.8 No.4, pp.363 - 379
Received: 23 Sep 2021
Accepted: 02 Apr 2022
Published online: 30 Nov 2023 *